Abandoned vehicles

Use this guide to find information on abandoned vehicles and how to report one.

What is an abandoned vehicle?

We will decide if a vehicle is abandoned or not. An abandoned vehicle would fit one or more of the following criteria:

  • The vehicle hasn’t moved for up to a month
  • The windows are broken
  • The vehicle is damaged and clearly not being used. It is unroadworthy or has dirty windows or rubbish inside. There is a build-up of rubbish around the wheels, has a flat tyre(s) or has missing wheels
  • The vehicle is a danger to the public
  • It is burnt out
  • The vehicle is in a condition that can lead to anti-social behaviour
  • The vehicle has number plates missing

Even if a vehicle is owned by someone, it can still be classified as an abandoned or nuisance vehicle if it meets one or more of the above criterion.