Apply for an animal licence

You need different licences for breeding, keeping, training, hiring out and selling animals.

Professional dog walking licence

Professional dog walkers in Lambeth need to be licensed and follow a code of conduct when using our parks. The license protects dog owners, other park users and dog walkers and ensures that our parks remain safe places for all park users to enjoy. This will bring professional dog walkers in line with other traders such as cafés and personal fitness trainers who are already licensed to operate in our parks. 

Also, businesses who use our parks to trade should contribute financially to the upkeep of parks to help with litter costs and general grounds maintenance. 

All licensed professional dog walkers will receive an identification armband and must wear this when walking their dogs in Lambeth parks.

Council officers make ad hoc checks to ensure operators are licensed correctly and will follow up any reports of unlicensed operators who continue to use parks without a license.

The current fees for Financial Year 2024-25 are as follows:

No of dogsCost
Up to two dogs£65.26
Up to four dogs£130.53
Up to six dogs£391.58

If you employ multiple dog walkers, then each dog walker needs to be licensed individually, as each ID card is specific to one individual with their name and photo on it. The first licence is payable in full, and we offer a 20% discount on any additional licences required thereafter.

Please read through the two documents relevant to this licence, which are the Terms and Conditions (PDF, 242KB) and the Code of Conduct(PDF, 101KB), before you apply. 

You can start your application for a licence by clicking on the link below.

Apply for a dog walking licence