- Planning and building control
Please note this consultation is closed
The proposal
The Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan (DRLLP) is currently undergoing examination by an independent planning Inspector. See here for further information about the examination process. The examination hearing took place between 27 October and 12 November 2020 and during this period the Council wrote to the Inspector asking him to recommend Main Modifications to the draft Plan to address any issues of soundness he had identified.
The Inspector has now produced a list of his proposed Main Modifications to the draft Plan and the Council is required to undertake public consultation on these for six weeks.
Background information / Purpose of consultation
At this stage comments can only be made on the proposed Main Modifications to the draft Plan, not the full draft Plan as submitted. When submitting your comments, please make clear which Main Modification(s) you are commenting on by including a reference to the Main Modification (MM) number(s) (located in the right-hand column of the schedule of modifications).
The Council is also making available for comment the sustainability appraisal of the proposed Main Modifications.
Other minor changes to the draft Plan, such as corrections and clarifications, are listed in the schedule for completeness but the Inspector will not consider any comments made about these minor changes.
If you are submitting comments on behalf of another party, please make clear who you are representing.
You can view the Main Modifications (MMs) Note from the Inspector, the schedule of modifications and the accompanying sustainability appraisal. You can also view this Erratum notice relating to MM131.
Once the consultation concludes, the council will send the responses to the Inspector, who will consider them before producing his final examination report.
How to respond
Please share your views with us by:
Completing the short online survey below:
DRLLP consultation on main modifications survey
Email comments to:
Send comments by post to:
Lambeth Council
Planning Policy
PO Box 734, Winchester
SO23 5DG
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