Annual Electoral Canvass

We contact all residential properties in Lambeth from September as part of the Annual Electoral Canvass. Lambeth’s Electoral Registration Officer must undertake a canvass of all households in the borough each year to ensure that voter details are correct.

Invitation to Register (ITR)

If you have been sent an Invitation to Register via email or a paper form, then you need to respond to this invitation, even if you are not eligible to register to vote.

If you do not respond we may need to make a household visit to your property to complete your registration.

If you’re eligible to register to vote

The quickest and easiest way to respond is to register to vote online. You will need your National Insurance number.

Register to vote on GOV.UK

If you’re ineligible to register to vote

You will need to inform us that you’re not eligible to register to vote, as well as the reason why you’re ineligible. You can let us know by sending us a message

You can check if you’re eligible to register to vote.