Streatham Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood Stage One Monitoring Report

A report on the impact of the Streatham Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood. This stage one report is part of our continuous monitoring of the scheme.

What is considered in this review?

This review has been undertaken following the implementation of enforcement in the Streatham Hill LTN area and presence of the scheme on ground since the temporary traffic order was introduced. It identifies community issues and analyses initial traffic behaviour to make specific design improvements to the location and design of the traffic filters, where needed due to on-going and significant negative impact directly attributable to the implementation of the LTN.

The three areas of analysis are:

  • Independent Traffic analysis
  • Community Feedback analysis
  • Equalities Impact Analysis

The analysis identifies whether any changes are recommended in the design or operation of the LTNs due to on-going and significant negative impact directly attributable to the implementation of the LTN.

The analysis is followed by our response in terms of improvements, supporting measures and the next steps for the scheme.

Following 6 months of implementation, we will conduct a full round of traffic, air quality and community feedback monitoring. At this stage, we would expect to see compliance through traffic filter locations maximised with only occasional contraventions taking place. This can give us an accurate reflection of how an LTN area is performing against the objectives, accounting for the effect of external factors.