Apply for a table and chairs or pavement licence

A temporary Pavement Licence was created due to the pandemic, but this does not replace the Tables and Chairs Licence.

You will need this licence if you plan to use removable furniture outside your business premises for the sale and consumption of food or drink.

Supporting businesses in Lambeth is a key objective of the government and the council. The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 confirmed the future of Pavement Licences providing a simple process for businesses which sell or serve food or drink to place furniture on the highway.

A Pavement Licence is a temporary measure to allow your business to place removable furniture on the pavement outside your business premises to:

  • sell or serve food or drink
  • be used by people for the consumption of food or drink.

Apply for a pavement licence

For any issues with the form, or difficulties applying online, please email

Who can apply

Your business can apply for a Pavement Licence if you run a public house, café, bar, restaurant, snack bar, coffee shop, or ice cream parlour.


The first time you apply for a Pavement Licence it will cost £500. When you renew your permit after 12 months the renewal fee will be £350.  

This cost includes the application fee and the licence fee and can be paid when you apply online.

This cost is also non-refundable.

How long does the licence lasts

The licence will expire 12 months after the date of issue.

Furniture that can be used

All furniture used must be removable and not a permanent fixed structure. It must also be stored away at the end of every evening, no later than 10pm.

This furniture can include:

  • counters or stalls for selling or serving food or drink
  • tables, counters or shelves, on which food or drink can be placed
  • chairs, benches or other forms of seating
  • umbrellas, barriers and other articles used in connection with the outdoor consumption of food or drink.

If you would like to use an outdoor heater, please read our guidance on the process for this

Documents you must provide

To apply for your licence, you must show us the following documents:

  • Proof of address, such as a copy of a recent utility bill, Council Tax bill or bank or building society statement dated within the last 3 months and in the name of the applicant
  • Evidence of the right to occupy the property, for example, the lease
  • Proof of photographic ID, such as a copy of a current photo driving licence or passport
  • Copy of your premises licence
  • Public liability insurance, and the copy of the section of your insurance document that shows your company has public liability cover
  • Sketch or layout of the area that you wish to place your tables, chairs or other removable furniture. See our guidance on preparing a sketch for a Pavement Licence (PDF 103KB)

Read our Pavement Licence terms and conditions (PDF 161KB)

What happens after you apply

Once your application has been submitted, you must print out and display the consultation notice provided to you when you applied.

The application process will take 28 days, excluding bank holidays. This includes 14 days for public consultation, and then 14 days to consider the application after the consultation.

An application can be rejected or a licence revoked if:

  • there is a risk to public health and safety
  • the highway is being obstructed
  • false or misleading statements were provided during application
  • the application did not comply with the requirements to affix a consultation notice

There is no right of appeal if your application is rejected.