Log in or sign up to mylambeth

The new mylambeth gives you access to manage Lambeth Council services online, within a single account. 

From now on you will only require one log-in and one password to access council services through our website. These services include parking, housing, benefits, landlords, Council Tax and business rates accounts.

You can find out more about all the services myLambeth provides below.

Log in to mylambeth customer portal 

You may already have a mylambeth account to manage your benefits or your landlords services. If you already have an account for these services but would also like to manage your Council Tax, business rates, housing or parking services through the same easy to use account, simply login and verify your Council Tax, business rates, housing or parking account. Once you have completed this verification you won’t need to do it again.

Our existing online portals will still be available and you can continue using your current login and password for these portals. Alternatively, you can use mylambeth and access all your services online in one place.


All our online services are now available using the mylambeth Customer Portal. 

Register for mylambeth Customer Portal

Council Tax and business rates

Log in to existing Council Tax and business rates account


Housing Benefit services continue to be available through the mylambeth Customer Portal.

Log in to Housing Benefit account

Other housing services, including paying rent, managing your lease or freehold, repair requests, and neighbourhood services.

Find housing services

Tenants - rent account

Find information about rent


Landlord services continue to be available through the mylambeth Customer Portal.

Log in to landlords account


Find parking services