Lambeth Parenting Service
Lambeth Parenting Service coordinates a range of parenting courses and support across the borough, and manages enquiries and referrals for parenting support. This includes self-referrals from parents and carers who would like to attend a course, as well as referrals from professionals working with families. Referrals can only be made with parental consent.
Lambeth Parenting Service does not directly deliver parenting support programmes for families, but works with a range of partners to coordinate the range of provision available and to ensure that families who are referred for support are offered the most appropriate course available.
Current partners include:
- The Race Equality Foundation – delivery of 'Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities' programme.
- Lambeth Children’s Centres – delivery of Triple P programmes, including Triple P Stepping Stones.
- South London and Maudsley NHS trust – delivery of 'Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities' programme, including Being a Parent and Baby and Us courses.
- National Children’s Bureau for the delivery of parenting support as part of the LEAP programme (Lambeth Early Action Partnership, funded by the Big Lottery as one of five Better Start programmes).
- Evelina London Children’s Community Services (Public Health Nursing).
- Guys and St Thomas’s Trust (maternity services).
The Lambeth parenting privacy notice
To ensure that we are able to offer you parenting support, we need to collect some information about you and your family. This information is collected on the Lambeth Parenting referral form.
This privacy notice tells you:
- who collects the information
- how information is collected
- what information is collected
- how information is stored
- how the information is used
- who the information is shared with
- about your rights and access to your information.
Who collects the information?
The Local Authority (Lambeth Council) is responsible for collecting and storing referrals for parenting support. These referrals can only be made with your consent.
How information is collected
Information is collected via an online referral form. The person completing the form will be asked to confirm if they are completing the referral form as a parent making a self-referral, or as a professional. A professional can only make a referral with parental consent.
What information is collected?
1. Information is collected about why the referral is being made. This is to make sure that the most appropriate support can be offered.
2. When a professional or parent completes the Lambeth parenting referral form, we collect the following information for the parent who has consented to the referral (Parent 1):
- Full name.
- Date of birth.
- Gender.
- Any additional needs.
- Address.
- Postcode.
- Telephone number.
- Email.
- Ethnicity.
3. If Parent 2 has also consented to the referral, the same information will be collected for them.
No parental data should be entered without explicit consent from that individual.
4. We also collect information about any children in the household. The parent or carer who has given consent for the referral must provide consent for child details to be added.
The details requested are as follows:
- Full name.
- Date of birth.
- Ethnicity.
- Postcode.
- Special educational needs or disability.
How information is stored
Information is automatically collated onto an Excel spreadsheet, which is stored on a secure Lambeth Council system and is password protected.
How we use your personal information
We use the information provided to enable us to offer you a parenting support service.
We may contact you by post, email, phone or text to tell you about the different services that we can offer you in response to your referral.
Who the information is shared with
No information will be shared until we have spoken to you and agreed what parenting support we can offer, and whether you would like to accept this. If you do want to accept this, we will then share your information securely with the partner organisation responsible for providing that support. We will explain this to you before sharing your information.
We will keep records of the referral made, the course or support offered to you, and the outcome of that support, to enable us to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of Lambeth parenting service.
Your rights and access to your information
You have a right to withdraw consent and the right to object and restrict further processing of your data, however, this may affect service delivery to you.
You have a right to request to have your data deleted where there is no compelling reason for its continued processing and provided there are no legitimate grounds for retaining it.
You have a right to request your data be rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
You can talk to Lambeth about how your data is being used, without it affecting your legal rights or routine care, and can contact us by email at