Lambeth Talk

Lambeth Council’s printed publications for residents

Focus On production costs (no longer produced)

Focus on newsletters were specifically designed for residents of the five core areas of Lambeth: Brixton, Clapham, Streatham, Norwood and North Lambeth. Focus on newsletters included news about the local areas, community news, and a guide to local events.

The newsletters were delivered quarterly to 151,000 residents and businesses.

You can find the newsletters on the Love Lambeth website.

Production costs

Financial Year Production per edition (£) Production Annually (£) Distribution Per edition (£) Distribution Annually (£) Gross Edition total (£) Gross Annual total (£)
2016/17 (2 editions) 7,940.40 15,880.80 8,789.22 17,578.44 16,729.62 33,459.24
Financial Year Advertising revenue per edition average (estimated) (£) Advertising revenue annually average (estimated) (£) Net Edition total (£) Net annual total (£) Cost per household (151,000) (per edition) (£) Cost per household (151,000) (annually) (£)
2016/17 (2 editions) 562.50 1,125.00 16,167.12 32,334.24 0.11 0.21