The Lambeth Wellbeing Fund (LWF) is supporting small grass roots community organisations delivering a very wide range of activities and to improve health and wellbeing. Many of the projects work with communities that experience poorer health outcomes. 28 projects across Lambeth have been funded. All projects are free to access.
The LWF is a key element of Lambeth Together’s Neighbourhood Wellbeing Delivery Alliance work.
Search here and to find local projects that can support you and your family’s health and wellbeing and for further details, please click into the programmes.
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Lambeth Wellbeing
Activities 4 U
Superwoman Saturday, a weekly community fitness club for women.
- When: Wednesdays 7PM – 8PM
- Contact: 02077358181
Afewee Training Centre
Parents forums supporting the health and wellbeing of the football teams' parents and carers.
- Location: Various locations.
- When: Sessions are restricted to parents of the Afewee Football Academy.
Archbishop’s Park Community Trust
Monthly walk and wellbeing nature craft activity sessions for older people.
- When: Monthly sessions various dates depending on activities.
Art 4 Space
Peer-led creative workshops to improve mental health and wellbeing.
Supported with social prescribing referrals and self referrals.
Participants can also contact if they feel they would benefit from attending the 10 week sessions. (No drop ins).
- When: New sign ups starting Thursday 7th September 2023 10AM - 12PM.
- Contact: 07816 386270
Autism Voice Limited
Mental wellbeing support group and wellbeing activities for Black Asian and multi-ethnic groups, predominantly Black Caribbean, with autism, over the age of 35.
No booking is required but contacting us before coming would be helpful.
- When: Wednesdays 10am-12pm
Brockwell Park Community
Mindful Self Compassion Programme for women: outdoor yoga, mindfulness and action learning for women's wellbeing, particularly those from:
- BAME communities
- People living with a disability or long-term health condition
- Refugees/asylum seekers
- Carers
- Women disproportionately affected by Covid-19
- When: 11:30am-14:30 commencing September 15th for 10 sessions ( break for half term)
Men’s Walk n Talk mental health and wellbeing sessions for men with Caribbean and African heritage. In addition to walks participants can take part in discussions, health workshops & Tai Chi and be part of a WhatsApp group.
- Location: Various locations in and around Lambeth
- Contact: 07961 421 996
- When: Contact for up-to-date details
Communities Welfare Network
Wraparound support service for older BAME people suffering with poor health, consisting of domestic support, physical activities, a regular social club, advice and information service, and basic IT skills course. Various times and locations, contact the organisation for further details.
Location: Various locations,
When: Various times, contact the organisation for further details.
Contact: Felix wohi 02078207736
Friends Of Windmill Gardens
Community club for older and isolated residents on the Blenheim Gardens estate including cookery classes, gardening, and other activities
- When: Thursday, 10am-1pm
- Contact: 07587 170 029
Happy Drums
Interactive dance and music workshops targeting older people and Black Men.
- Location: Multiple locations contact
- When: Various times