Mental wellbeing

Use this guide to find information on how to stay mentally well, and see what services Lambeth has to offer when you are struggling.


Roughly half the population will go through the menopause between the ages of 40 and 55. Once almost a taboo subject, the menopause is now talked about more and more, with people sharing their stories, symptoms and tips on how to navigate this time.  

The menopause can take different forms for different people and often catches us unprepared.
The following could all be symptoms of the menopause and perimenopause.
If you are a person who menstruates aged between 40 and 55 and:

  • are having trouble sleeping  
  • have unexpected aches and pains
  • are experiencing headaches or migraines
  • are experiencing lower than normal mood
  • are feeling anxious or depressed

As a first point of call, your GP should be able to provide you with advice and support.

Further information

You can go online to find out more about possible symptoms of the menopause and how to manage them.

These are some useful websites:  

Or access these menopause resources:

Official bodies and organisations:

Menopause in younger women: