Contact the Adult Social Care team

How to contact us

AgeUK Lambeth have a community directory with lots of services available locally for vulnerable people and their families / carers.


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Our online forms

Adult social care public referral

Adult social care referral for professionals

Safeguarding adults

Compliments, Appeals and Complaints

Adult social care general enquiries

Calling us

If you need to speak urgently to Adult Social Care, call us:

  • Phone: 020 7926 5555
  • Select Adults, then
  • Option 1 (for those with no current adult social care service)
  • Option 2 (for those with an adult social care service) 
  • Option 3 (safeguarding matters only) 
  • Option 4 (all other enquiries) 

Information to provide

You will need to give your:

  • name
  • address
  • date of birth.

You will also be asked for information to enable us to put you through to the correct service area.

If your care worker hasn't shown up, contact the agency and ask them where your worker is. They should be able to confirm when your regular worker will arrive, or send someone else, letting you know what time they will be with you.