We can suspend Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support payments for a number of reasons. A letter will be sent advising you of the suspension.
The letter will outline the reasons the action was taken, and how you can remedy the situation. This will usually involve you providing us with further evidence and information so we can be sure you are receiving the correct amount of Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support.
Suspensions are put in place in order to try and prevent an overpayment of benefit to you. Any overpayments will need to be repaid at a later date, potentially causing you to go into debt.
Once a final decision has been made we will notify you of the result, and how we reached it, in writing . We will also explain your rights and responsibilities, including your right of appeal against the decision.
Appealing a decision
There is no right of appeal against a suspension of your benefit, or a reinstatement of your benefits at the same rate based upon the same calculations.
If, however, we reinstate your benefit at a different rate you do have the right to appeal.