Get benefits advice

There are a number of local agencies who offer advice to help you find out what benefits you’re entitled to, and how to access them. You can get free, independent advice from the agencies listed below.

Information on local advice agencies is available from Advice agency finder.

Local advice agencies include

Directory of community resources and for people aged 55 and over from Age UK

Useful national websites

Other sources of information and advice on benefits can be found from the national websites below:

  • Adviceguide (you can search this directory of advice services to find information on agencies who provide benefit, debt,  housing and immigration advice)
  • Carers UK (for carers)
  • Contact (for families with disabled children)
  • Debt Advice Foundation (provides free debt advice which includes guides on benefit entitlement)
  • GOV.UK
  • Lambeth Larder (Information on local services who can provide emergency support including foodbanks as well as other services like advice, debt, and mental health support)
  • Money advice service (provides  free help on   debt and budgeting advice  and pensions. Money Advice Service will soon become MoneyHelper)
  • Turn2Us (on line benefit calculator to help identify thousands of pound of unclaimed benefit support)
  • Universal Credit information
  • Working Families (for advice on benefits for all families including help with child care costs)

Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice Merton and Lambeth offer a free advice service.

Citizens Advice Merton and Lambeth can offer information and advice about:

  • benefits
  • debt and money
  • work
  • housing
  • goods and services

You can talk to advisers over the phone, using web chat or by email. They will help you work out what you need to do next in your particular circumstances and this may result in:

  • you being directed to another service
  • information being explained to you
  • an appointment being made for further advice or casework with a member of the Lambeth Advice Network or another agency or service

Find out more about Citizens Advice Merton and Lambeth

Every Pound Counts

The Every Pound Counts is a benefit advice service for Lambeth residents who have a serious long term health condition or disability.

The service offers:

  • advice about benefit entitlements and how to access them
  • specialist casework support and representation 
  • the service does not usually offer form filling but will identify another service who can assist.

The service is for residents who may find it difficult to use mainstream advice services. For information on mainstream services  visit advice agencies in Lambeth

The service can provide advice to professionals and agencies working with vulnerable Lambeth Residents as well as to residents themselves.

Advice line opening times
Tuesday and Thursdays
1pm - 4pm

Tel: 020 7926 5555 (please select option 4)

Examples of health conditions where residents may have difficulties using mainstream advice could include:

  • serious long term mental health conditions, for example, depression, schizophrenia
  • serious physical ill health for example, multiple sclerosis
  • social and communication disorder, for example, Asperger's syndrome, autism
  • learning difficulties, for example, down syndrome
  • cognitive impairment, for example, brain injury, stroke
  • sensory impairment
  • caring for a child with significant long term ill health or developmental condition


Referrals can be made by:

  • person needing advice
  • carers - if you, or the person you care for has a serious long term health condition or disability, and are unable to access mainstream services. 
  • social care
  • health
  • housing services
  • organisations supporting vulnerable Lambeth residents

Every Pound Counts referral form

Every Pound Counts consent form

We accept referrals but we may not be able to assist everyone referred to our service. We prioritise those with the most urgent advice needs.

See our benefits advice guide for information and more places to find advice on the benefits you qualify for, and how to access them.