Lambeth is committed to responsible procurement. in addition to achieving the maximum possible value from the funds we spend on products, services and works, we seek to secure additional economic, social and environmental benefits for residents.
We will use our procurement process to:
- improve value for money and create efficiencies where possible
- improve the quality of services delivered on behalf of the Council
- encourage innovation and creative service delivery when and where possible
- ensure that suppliers and contractors operate in accordance with legislation and the Council’s policies
- consider where we might be able to deliver social value
- ensure that suppliers meet the Public Sector Equality duty as detailed in the Equality Act 2010.
The London Borough of Lambeth is an accredited Living Wage employer. We also encourage our contractors to pay the Living Wage.
We expect competition - from comparing quotes for low-value purchases to formal tenders for contracts over £100,000 or high risk.