What to expect while you're being looked after

Use this guide to help you understand what to expect while you’re being looked after in care.

How will I know what’s going to happen?

When you're looked after, your social worker will talk to you about what is going to happen and what we will do to look after you.

Your social worker has to write down what everyone will do to help look after you. Your social worker will need to talk to you, your foster carer or key worker, your family, sometimes your teachers, and anyone else that is important in your life to do this. This is called a care plan. It is very important that you have your say because the care plan is about you.

You can have a copy of your care plan and should ask your social worker for it. You can talk to your social worker or carer if you don’t agree with the plan.

Your care plan will talk about many areas of your life, such as:

  • where you will live
  • what school you will go to
  • when you see your family
  • what you want now
  • who will support you.

Your care plan will change over time – just like you will. This is to make sure that your needs are always met as you grow. Your care plan will be reviewed every six months to make sure that your needs are being met.

Your placement plan

When you are looked after, your social worker will write what is called a placement plan, which is all about what will happen day-to-day where you live.

This is different to your care plan because it is about what will happen where you are living. It will say how your carers, guardians or key workers will help to look after you.

This will include:

  • how you will get to nursery/school/college
  • your health needs
  • who you will be able to see, or not see
  • sleepovers
  • religious needs
  • cultural needs
  • how much pocket money you’ll get
  • going on holidays
  • food you like and dislike
  • rules when visiting friends
  • about using the computer/internet where you live.

Sometimes you might be asked to sign a form to say that you agree with your care plan and placement plan. You don't have to agree with the plan and should talk to your social worker if you don’t agree with everything that is written so that you can try to come to an agreement.

How do I get help with all these plans made about me?

Sometimes it can be hard to have so many people in your life, and so many different meetings and plans about your life. Remember that all of this is done to make sure that you are safe, healthy, that all of your needs are met, and that you are happy.

If your first language is not English, your social worker can arrange for an interpreter to come to any meetings, and to translate letters so that you can understand them if you want.

If you have any speech or hearing difficulties, your social worker will make sure that you get the support you need.

If you are not happy about the plans being made, or if you think it would help to have someone to talk to that is not your social worker or carer, you can always bring a friend or an advocate (someone who speaks up with you) to support you.

Do you want an advocate? You can speak to your social worker or you can call.