LIASS provides parents and carers with what you need to know about your child’s special educational needs at school or college.
We can help if you:
- are worried about your child’s progress at school
- need help or advice about education, health, and care plan.
We offer advice separate from the council and can:
- provide a free and confidential service
- provide accurate and impartial information
- help you to understand your rights, as well as the roles and responsibilities of agencies and professionals
- let you know what to expect from schools and the council
- support you so that your views are heard and understood
- put you in touch with other organisations that can help.
To find out everything we do visit our website.
LIASS COVID-19 update
Due to the ongoing restrictions, LIASS cannot offer face to face meetings with parents, or our usual drop-in service at the Mary Sheridan Centre on alternate Fridays. We also cannot attend meetings that take place in schools or colleges in person.
However, we are still open for business and able to respond to your queries and offer advice and support during this difficult time. Parents and young people can:
- Contact the service by phone and talk to us, or leave an answerphone message, during office hours leaving a clear message and contact number and we will return your call as soon as possible
- Contact the service by email and we will respond as quickly as possible to your message
- Request support at virtual meetings relating to SEND held by phone, Zoom Teams or any other video call application.
We hope that normal service can be resumed as quickly as possible when the local situation allows it.