Childminders look after children in their own homes, and offer a range of educational activities for children to play and learn, try new things, develop social skills and make friends.
- can be flexible about the hours they work
- should provide your child with care, fun and learning
- take children to local parks, playgrounds, toy libraries, drop-in groups and children's centres
- may offer pick-ups and drop-offs to part-time nursery sessions and to school
- have had basic training and access to regular refresher training (some also have accredited qualifications including Level 3 and degree level qualifications)
- have to undergo checks to ensure that they are suitable to work with children - these include checks on every member of their household who is over 16 years of age.
Unregistered childcare
You should be clear about the law surrounding unregistered childcare. All childminders must be registered with Ofsted, but if you make your own arrangements with an unregistered friend, you could be breaking the law.
Anyone who is not a close family member who cares for a child under the age of eight, for more than two hours in one go, for 14 or more days a year, for payment or reward, must register as a childminder.
Reward does not just mean money - it also covers the supply of free childcare in arrangements where friends take it in turns to look after each other's children.
Close family members (brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles) can provide childcare as much as they like without needing to register as a childminder.
Non-family members don't have to register if:
- the children are aged eight and over
- the childcare only takes place between 6.00pm and 2.00am
- it takes place fewer than two hours a day, or 14 days a year
- it takes place in the parents' home
- no payment or reward is received for the services.
Watch the video below on more about childminders.