
View open consultations Viewing closed consultations
  • Streatham Wells Low Traffic Neighbourhood

    • Streatham
    We’re planning to create a new low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) in Streatham Wells, because many local streets are clogged by motor vehicles using them as a shortcut. By reducing traffic, we can support more people to walk, wheel, scoot and cycle.
    • Streets, roads and transport
  • Have your say on the Tulse Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood

    • Brixton
    We’re asking people who live, work and travel in the trial low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) to share their views by doing a survey. This is because we’re considering making the changes permanent after monitoring the LTN and finding that it has been reducing traffic in the area. The consultation is open from 15 November to 19 December 2021.
    • Streets, roads and transport
  • Have your say on the Streatham Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood

    • Streatham
    We’re asking people who live, work and travel in the trial low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) to share their views by doing a survey. This is because we’re considering making the changes permanent after monitoring the LTN and finding that it has been reducing traffic in the area. The consultation is open from 15 November to 19 December 2021.
    • Streets, roads and transport
  • Have your say on Emergency School Streets

    • Lambeth wide

    We want your views on our Emergency School Street proposals. The consultation runs from 2 September to 2 March 2021.

    • Streets, roads and transport
    • Schools and education