
View open consultations Viewing closed consultations
  • Brixton Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood

    • Brixton
    We’re planning to create a new low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) in Brixton Hill, because many local streets are clogged by motor vehicles using them as a shortcut. By reducing traffic, we can support more people to walk, wheel, scoot and cycle.
    • Streets, roads and transport
  • Have your say on the Net Zero Carbon Retrofit Scheme at Myatt's Field South Estate

    • Brixton
    Lambeth has committed to making our borough Net Zero carbon emission by 2030. We are proposing to carry out a complete home retrofit of a number of homes in Myatt's Field South as a pilot scheme to help achieve this aim. The consultation runs from 10 December to 28 January 2022. Please share your views by email or by completing our online survey.
    • Housing
  • Have your say on plans to design the new customer centre at the Lambeth Civic Centre

    • Brixton
    We want your views on our proposals to design the new customer centre at the Lambeth Civic Centre to provide a new face to face service specifically for those who cannot, or who find it very difficult to access council services online or by phone. The consultation runs from 27 August to 7 October 2020. Please share your views with us by completing the survey below **UPDATE** End of consultation report attached.