
View open consultations Viewing closed consultations
  • Brixton Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood

    • Brixton
    We’re planning to create a new low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) in Brixton Hill, because many local streets are clogged by motor vehicles using them as a shortcut. By reducing traffic, we can support more people to walk, wheel, scoot and cycle.
    • Streets, roads and transport
  • Have your say on the Net Zero Carbon Retrofit Scheme at Myatt's Field South Estate

    • Brixton
    Lambeth has committed to making our borough Net Zero carbon emission by 2030. We are proposing to carry out a complete home retrofit of a number of homes in Myatt's Field South as a pilot scheme to help achieve this aim. The consultation runs from 10 December to 28 January 2022. Please share your views by email or by completing our online survey.
    • Housing
  • Have your say on plans to restore and improve Brockwell Hall in Brockwell Park

    • Brixton
    • Norwood
    • Streatham

    We want your views on our proposals to restore and improve Brockwell Hall, a historic building in the middle of Brockwell Park. The consultation runs from 8 October to 5 November 2020.