
View open consultations Viewing closed consultations
  • Have your say on Lambeth’s proposals for fortnightly non-recyclable waste collections

    • Lambeth wide
    The council is consulting on reducing the frequency of non-recyclable waste collections from every week to every two weeks at street-level properties. We want to hear from you. Please share your views with us by filling out our online survey or attending one of our pop up events detailed at the bottom of this page. **UPDATE** Thank you for participating in the consultation, please find consultation report attached in the Outcomes section of the webpage.
    • Environmental services
  • Have your say on the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Parent Participation and Engagement Service

    • Lambeth wide
    The SEND Participation and Engagement Service for Lambeth is provided by Lambeth Contact. We want to hear from users of the service, any potential users, and those who are interested in ensuring families of children and young people with SEND, have a comprehensive service to support them.
    • Children, young people and families