- Planning and building control
Please note this consultation is closed
Have your say on the Draft Site Allocations Development Plan Document (SADPD)
We are seeking your views on the Draft Lambeth Site Allocations Development Plan Document (SADPD). Following on from the adoption of the Lambeth Local Plan in September 2021, the Draft SADPD includes site-specific planning policies for fourteen sites in Lambeth, distributed across the borough.
Once adopted, the SADPD will become part of the statutory development plan for Lambeth. Alongside the Lambeth Local Plan 2021 and the London Plan 2021 and associated planning guidance, the SADPD will help deliver new homes and workspaces, secure benefits for communities and improve the quality of places and the environment in Lambeth.
You can also comment on the evidence that has informed the Draft SADPD. This includes a Draft Sustainability Appraisal.
This consultation is in accordance with Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
How to respond
To view the Draft SADPD and submit comments, please visit:
Lambeth Draft SADPD Commonplace site
You can also submit comments by email:
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