Open date: Friday, 19 November 2021 at 9.00am
Close date: Sunday, 19 December 2021 at 11.59pm
Type: Consultation
Lambeth wide
- Adult social care and health
Please note this consultation is closed
The proposal
We want your views on our proposals to Lambeth Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan 2022-2025, which describes how we plan to prevent suicide in Lambeth over the next 3 years, including highlighting the key priorities for Year One (2022 – 2023).
Background information
- Suicide is the leading cause of death among young people aged 20-34 years in the UK (ONS 2015), accounting for 24% of deaths in this age group in men and 12% in women. It is also the leading cause of death among men aged 35-49 (followed closely by heart disease).
- Lambeth has a higher prevalence of some of the key risk factors for suicide than the benchmark for England (including severe mental illness and substance misuse)
- Many of the risk factors and social determinants which make people vulnerable to suicide are more prevalent in times of economic instability: loss of employment, debt, relationship breakdown, substance misuse and loneliness are known contributory factors for suicide.
- The pandemic has contributed to increase the risk of mental ill health and suicide for many people.
- We therefore need to ensure that all those who are in known “at risk” groups receive the support they need to build up protective factors and to ensure that they have access to help in times of crisis. Suicide prevention needs to be part of a wider effort to promote mental wellbeing and to improve individual and community resilience.
Purpose of consultation
- The purpose of this strategy is to provide a multi-agency framework for action across the life-course to prevent avoidable loss of life through suicide. It draws on local experience and research evidence, aiming to prevent suicide and promote mental health and wellbeing.
- Our key priority groups will be: 1.People who are vulnerable due to economic circumstances, 2. Children and young people, 3. People who are socially isolated, 4. LGBTQ+ people; 5. People who misuse substances, 6. People in the care of mental health services, 7. BME groups, migrants and asylum seekers, 8. People in the prison system.
Next steps after consultation closes
The strategy is a three year strategy with annual action plans. The priorities for the Year 1 action plan are:
- Raise awareness of available mental health crisis support
- Deliver the Pride in Practice programme to voluntary sector organisations
- Provide regular suicide prevention training for frontline staff and community groups
- Advertise existing support for people bereaved by suicide – i.e. SEL Suicide Bereavement Service
- Work with Cruse to provide a ‘Facing the Future’ group to support adults bereaved by suicide
- Gain access to Thrive LDN suicide surveillance data
- Conduct an audit of meaningful data to improve near time reporting of suicide, attempted suicide and self-harm highlighting prevalence among stated strategic target groups and other local vulnerable groups.
- Work with local media and comms to ensure suicide is treated sensibly and appropriately
- Locally appropriate communications and media campaigns aimed at normalising talking about mental health and suicide to be co-developed
- Work collaboratively with colleagues from the SE London ICS to improve the self-harm pathway both in terms of improved data collection and improved experience of care
How to respond
Please share your views by completing our online survey:
Lambeth Suicide Prevention Strategy survey
The outcomes from this consultation will be incorporated into the final Suicide Prevention Strategy 2022-25, to be signed off at the Health and Wellbeing Board in January 2022.