- Children, young people and families
Please note this consultation is closed
Why we're having this important conversation
Lambeth and Southwark face some of the greatest sexual health and substance misuse challenges in England.
We want to achieve good, healthy sexual relationships in our younger population, as well as the pressure they experience with drugs and alcohol.
Our sexual health and substance misuse services are being reviewed so that we can improve our offer to you, your peers and family members. Our contracts were originally due to end in March 2022 but were extended due to COVID, to enable service a thorough review of the services we offer our young people.
What are these services:
- DASH – Drugs Alcohol and Sexual Health Lambeth
- Come Correct – free condom distribution scheme
- HYP – Healthy Young People Southwark
How to respond
If you are aged between 13-24 and you live, work or are educated in Lambeth and Southwark, we are interested in what you have to say! Please watch our short video below for more information.
Young People Promotional Video
Please share your views by completing our survey below:
If you are resident/adult that lives or works in either borough, you can let us know your views too! Please share your views by completing our survey below:
If you would like to speak to someone about the review, in confidence, you can email us at sexualhealth@lambeth.gov.uk
Thank you for taking part.