How and when to self-isolate
What is self‑isolation?
Self-isolation is staying at home to prevent spreading Covid-19 to other people. There is no longer a legal requirement to self-isolate, but if you choose to do so to protect others you should:
- stay at home or in your accommodation. Do not go to work, school, shops or any other places
- do not have visitors in your home or accommodation
- have food, medication and other supplies delivered to you
How to prevent the spread of infection while self-isolating
There are measures you should take while self-isolating to reduce the risk of infecting others with Covid-19. Whether you live alone or with others, cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, put the tissue in the bin and wash your hands afterwards.
If you live with others
- stay in separate rooms from others in your household where possible, and where you cannot, try to maintain a distance of 2 metres and wear a face-covering around others
- use separate household items, like towels, bedding, toothbrushes, cups and dishes
- wash your hands with soap and water or hand sanitiser for 20 seconds, particularly before cooking and eating, after using the toilet and touching waste or surfaces
- use separate facilities or, if sharing clean them thoroughly before use by others with regular detergents and bleach
- wash laundry using the highest temperature setting indicated on the care label. Avoid shaking dirty laundry. Wash laundry separately from the other people you live with where possible. If you do not have a washing machine, wait three days after your self-isolation has ended, and then use a public launderette
If you live with a vulnerable person/people
- where possible, arrange for anyone who is clinically vulnerable or clinically extremely vulnerable to move out of your home, to stay with friends or family while you are self-isolating
- if this is not possible, stay away from them as much as possible in the home
You should help the vulnerable person/people you live with minimise their contact with the rest of the household, whether they have symptoms or not. Support them in:
- minimising time spent in shared spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms and sitting areas ensuring any shared spaces are well ventilated
- using a separate bathroom from the rest of the household. If this is not possible, the vulnerable person should use it first, after it has been cleaned
- using separate towels and utensils from the rest of the household
- having meals in their own rooms
- using a dishwasher to clean and dry the crockery and cutlery. If this is not possible, wash them using your usual washing up liquid and warm water, and using a separate tea towel to dry them thoroughly
It will be difficult for some people to separate themselves from others at home. Not all these measures will be possible if you are living with children or people with significant conditions, like learning disabilities. But you need to follow this guidance to the best of your ability, and everyone in your household should regularly wash their hands, avoid touching their face, and clean frequently touched surfaces.
The more you follow this advice, the more you protect those around you.
How to look after yourself at home if you have Covid‑19
See the relevant information on the NHS website, in the Self-isolation and treating coronavirus symptoms section.