Fly-posting is the illegal display of posters, stickers, boards and other advertisements on buildings and street furniture.
Graffiti is any illegal marking to walls and other surfaces.
What you need to know...
We aim to remove offensive graffiti in the borough within 24 hours, and other graffiti within seven working days, however, if reporting graffiti on property other than your own please be advised that the Council requires an indemnity form from the landowner before carrying out the works and this could lead to a delay to our service standards.
We do not remove graffiti from murals or sculptures.
We do not remove graffiti more than two metres high from ground level on any building. Should this occur we can provide a quotation for access equipment and removal.
For graffiti on:
- Lambeth housing estates contact your area housing office
- Network Rail property call 0345 711 4141 or report it online
- phone boxes contact BT on 0800 023 2023
- bus shelters call 0343 222 1234 or report it to Transport for London
- Virgin Media cabinets contact Virgin Media on 0330 333 0444
- post boxes and postal pouches contact Royal Mail on 03457 740 740.
Next steps
Fly-posting and graffiti are environmental crimes.
The law allows our Environmental Crime Enforcement Officers to give anyone seen fly-posting or doing graffiti an on-the-spot fine called a fixed penalty notice (FPN).
The FPN is for £80, but if you are prosecuted in court for fly-posting you could receive a maximum fine of £2,500.
Report fly-posting and graffiti
To find out how we process the information we collect about you on this form read our privacy notice