The Better Start offer in Brixton Stockwell is managed and overseen by the Jessop and Stockwell Federation. Services available across the Brixton Stockwell area include a wide range of activities, help and support for young children and their families. These include health services like:
• ante-natal and post-natal care
• baby clinics
• groups to support breastfeeding and infant feeding
• support around children’s diet and nutrition
Our speech and language therapists can support and guide you on children’s early communication and language skills. All centres welcome children with special educational needs and disabilities, and some centres provide additional specialist support groups and courses for these children and their parents and carers. These include specialist stay and play groups such as Sensory Sensations, advice sessions around being the parent of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorders, and parenting courses such as Stepping Stones (Positive Parenting Programme) and Early Bird.
Centres also offer stay and play groups and activities for babies, toddlers and young children to attend with parents and carers. There are services for parents and carers too including:
• family learning courses
• parenting support groups
• ESOL classes
• support around training and employment
You can get information about accessing benefits or dealing with housing difficulties from a skilled advisor, and a Better Start worker can give you additional help and support about a wide range of topics including parenting and child development, finding childcare, and signposting to other services that may support you or your child.
They will aim to provide this support as soon as you need it so that by the time your child is 5 years old, they are happy, healthy and ready for school.
Some of the services are open to everyone with a child aged 0 to 4 years old, and others are aimed at children of particular ages or particular groups. These might include dad groups, services to support young parents, or those for parents speaking English as an additional language.
To register to use children's centre services or to make a professional referral, please visit
Other children's centre sites delivering the Lambeth Better Start offer in Brixton Stockwell are Stockwell Children's Centre and Jessop Children’s Centre.
Contact details
Phone numbers
- Phone:020 4530 5735
Mostyn Road
United Kingdom
- Start date: 02/01/2020
- End date: Still available
Costs and charges
Can be accessed free of charge
Age range
From 0 to 4
SEN information report details
Phone numbers
- Phone:020 4530 5735