If you've been a secure tenant for three or more years, you are eligible for the Right to Buy (RTB) scheme.
The three years or more do not have to be in a Lambeth Council home, they can be with another council or other public sector landlords.
If you inherited your tenancy, the three years begins from the day you became a secure tenant not from the day you began residing at the property as a family member.
You do not qualify for the RTB scheme if you:
- live in sheltered housing for the elderly, the disabled or people with mental health problems
- live in a property that is particularly suitable for the elderly and was let to be lived in by someone aged 60 or more
- work for Lambeth Council and your home is part of your conditions of service (this only applies in some cases)
- are an introductory tenant.
You can quickly check your eligibility on the Right to Buy website.
You can visit the government website for a detailed overview of the Right to Buy and the steps involved.
You can visit the government's homeownership agency website for independent advice.
Telephone: 0300 123 0913