If you want to help shape the future of housing services in the borough are willing to provide feedback on service delivery, contribute to improvements, test new initiatives, or review policies and procedures then we want you to join the Lambeth 500.
Engagement opportunities are both online, such as surveys or feedback requests, as well as in person such as resident panels or focus groups. Members will receive emails as and when these opportunities are available and will also be given early access to sign up for Resident Assemblies and other events.
Membership is flexible – you can participate as much or as little as you want, on one particular issue or on many. You can tell us at any time that you no longer wish to be a member.
For any enquires please email Lambeth500@lambeth.gov.uk
Previously, Lambeth 500 members have contributed to:
• user experience testing of housing online account
• consultation on creation of North Lambeth Community Hub
• focus groups on environmental services, fire safety, employment progression, and customer centres
• testing of interactive garages map and estate action plan website
• surveys on communal repairs, estate action plans, customer services
• review and development of housing polices including estate management, anti social behaviour, and domestic abuse