Being away for extended periods

Contact us if you’ll be away from home for a while.

If you want to go away for longer than eight weeks, it's a good idea to talk to us first and let us know:

  • how long you are likely to be away
  • your forwarding address.

If you end up staying away for longer than intended, because you're in hospital, for example, let us know as soon as possible.

If you go away without telling us and we find someone else living in your home, we'll assume you have illegally sublet the property or given up possession, so we may end your tenancy.

Protecting your home

If you leave your home unoccupied for more than a few days, you can help protect it by:

  • turning off the main stopcock for the water supply
  • running all hot and cold water taps until the flow of water stops
  • turning off all gas appliances and the immersion heater
  • locking all windows and doors — for windows that allow for ventilation, ensure you lock them rather than just putting down the ventilation handle
  • checking that all external wooden frames (doors and skylights) are solid and not starting to rot — if the framework is not solid, the locks will give easily.

If you do turn off the water supply, make sure you turn it back on when you return and avoid using the boiler or immersion heater until this has been done. Check that all taps, tanks, cisterns and cylinders are working.

Your responsibilities

While you are away you are still responsible for paying your rent.

You should also arrange to deal with other day-to-day matters concerning your home, for example, asking a neighbour to collect your mail.

If you want us to accept rent from someone who is not the main tenant, you must get our agreement for this in advance.