Contact Lambeth Housing

Use this guide to find contact details for the various Lambeth Housing teams.

Housing management complaints

If you're a Lambeth housing tenant or homeowner, you can tell us when you're not happy with something we've done.

1. Local resolution

The first stage of the complaints process is called local resolution. Complaints at this stage are investigated and responded to by the service area that has been complained about. This is because the people who provide the service are in the best place to resolve simple complaints.

If you want to talk to someone call us on 020 7926 9694

If you'd prefer to put your complaint in writing, please email us or send by post at: 

London borough of Lambeth
PO Box 80771


You can also make a complaint in person to any member of council staff.

The service area will acknowledge this within two working days and will respond to you within 20 working days.

Hopefully this will resolve the matter. If you are still unhappy you can contact us again for your complaint to be escalated for final review.

2. Final review

Requests for final review should be made after receiving a local resolution outcome.

If the matter has not been resolved, you can ask that your complaint is escalated from local resolution to final review.

Your request should set out in what way the local resolution was inadequate and what you would like to happen, or what action you would like us to take, to resolve the complaint. The review will not address new issues that were not previously raised at the local resolution stage.

We will acknowledge your complaint within two working days. We will then review the handling of your complaint and reply within 25 working days. If we need longer we will contact you.

The outcome of the review will represent our final response on the matter and we will not enter into any further correspondence or discussion on the complaint.