Housing associations in the borough

Learn about housing associations in the borough, also known as registered providers (RPs).

Housing associations, also known as registered providers (RPs) are organisations that are run independently from councils. They are the main developers of new homes in the social housing sector and provide housing for people.

There are more than 50 registered providers in Lambeth who manage over 30,000 properties in the borough. They varying in size from 1 to 6,826 properties.

If you are a housing association resident, or have a query about one of their properties, you should contact them directly from the following list.

A2 Dominion Homes Ltd

Address: A2Dominion, The Point, 37 North Wharf Road, London W2 1BD

Phone: 0800 432 0077

Website: https://a2dominion.co.uk/

Anchor Hanover Group

Phone: 0800 731 2020

Email: customer.relations@anchorhanover.org.uk

Website: https://www.anchorhanover.org.uk/

Arhag Housing Association Ltd

Address: The People's Place, 80-92 Stratford, High St, London E15 2NE

Phone: 020 7424 7370

Email: contact@arhag.co.uk

Website https://www.arhag.co.uk/

Ash Shahada Housing Association

Address: 43/45 Coldharbour Ln, London SE5 9NR

Phone: 020 7326 7890

Email: info@ash-shahada.org

Website: https://ash-shahada.org/

Bonham and Strathleven Tenants Cooperative ltd

Address: 7 – 14 Great Dover Street, London SE1 4YR

Phone: 033 3321 3030

Email: TalkToUs@cds.coop

Website: https://www.cds.coop/

Brixton Housing Co-op Ltd

Address: 90 Railton Rd, London SE24 0LD

Phone: 020 7733 9034

Website: http://www.brixtonhousing.coop/

Clarion Housing Association Ltd

Address level 6, More London Riverside, Tooley St, London SE1 2DA

Phone: 0300 500 8000

Email: https://www.myclarionhousing.com/contact-us/all-other-enquiries/general-enquiry

Website: https://www.myclarionhousing.com/

Dolphin Living Ltd

Address Castle Ln, London SW1E 6DR

Phone: 020 7113 3340

Email: https://www.dolphinliving.com/index.php/contact-us 

Website https://www.dolphinliving.com/

Edward Henry House Co-operative

Address: Flat 23, Edward Henry House, Cornwall Road London, Lambeth, SE1 8YF

Website: http://www.edwardhenryhouse.weebly.com/about.html

Ekaya Housing Association Ltd

Address: 145 Stockwell Road, London SW9 9TN 

Phone: 020 7091 1800

Email: info@ekaya.co.uk

Website: http://www.ekaya.co.uk/

First Priority Housing Ltd

Address: Hornbeam House, The Innovation Centre, Hornbeam Park Ave, Hookstone Rd, Harrogate HG2 8QT

Phone: 0333 3440 911

Website: https://firstpriorityha.co.uk/

Funding Affordable Homes Ltd

Address: 1st Floor, 18 Savile Row London, W1S 3PW

Phone: 020 3206 7910

Email: info@FundingAffordableHomes.com

Website: https://fundingaffordablehomes.com/

Gateway Housing Association Ltd

Address: 409-413 Mile End Rd, Bow, London E3 4PB

Phone: 020 8709 4300

Email: enquiries@gatewayhousing.org.uk

Website https://www.gatewayhousing.org.uk/

Golden Lane Housing Association Ltd

Address: Parkway Four Parkway Business Centre, Princess Road, Manchester, M14 7HR

Phone: 0300 003 7007

Email: enquiries@glh.org.uk

Website: https://www.glh.org.uk/

Harrison Housing

Address: 42-46 St James's Gardens, London W11 4RQ

Phone: 020 7603 4332

Website: https://harrisonhousing.org.uk/

Hatch Row Housing Co-operative

Address: Waterloo Action Centre, 14 Baylis Road, London, Lambeth, SE1 7AA

Phone: 020 7261 1404

Home Group Ltd

Address: Everard Court, 9 Crothall Cl, London N13 4BW

Phone: 020 8882 9899

Website https://www.homegroup.org.uk/

Hour Glass Housing Co-operative

Address: Bonnington Square / Dorset Road / Clapham Road, London SW8 1TG

Hyde Housing Association Ltd

Address: 30 Park Street. London SE1 9EQ

Phone: 0800 3282 282

Email: https://www.hyde-housing.co.uk/contact-us/

Website: https://www.hyde-housing.co.uk/

Innisfree Housing Association Ltd

Address 190 Iverson Rd, London NW6 2HL

Phone: 020 7625 1818

Email: housing@innisfree.org.uk

Website http://www.innisfree.org.uk/

Jewish Community Housing Association

Address: Harmony Close, Princes Park Avenue, London NW11 0JJ

Phone: 020 8381 4901

Email: info@jliving.org.uk

Website https://jliving.org.uk/

Keniston Housing Association Ltd

Address: 13 Artington Cl, Orpington BR6 7UL

Phone: 01689 889700

Email: enquiries@kenistonha.co.uk

Website https://www.kenistonha.co.uk/

Lambeth Self-Help Housing Association Ltd

Address: Unit 4, 141-157 Acre Lane, London SW2 5UA

Phone: 077 1478 8804

Website: https://www.lambethselfhelp.co.uk/

London & Quadrant Housing Trust

Address: 29-35 West Ham Lane, LondonE15 4PH

Phone: 0300 456 9998

Email: https://www.lqgroup.org.uk/contact-us/webforms/query-form

Website: https://www.lqgroup.org.uk/

London Cyrenians Housing limited

Address: 237 Vauxhall Bridge Rd, Pimlico, London SW1V 1EJ

Phone: 020 7938 2004

Email: info@cyrenians.org

Website: http://www.cyrenians.org/

Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing

Address: 91-93 New Park Road, London SW2 4AX


0203 535 3535 -Metropolitan residents

0300 456 2929 -Thames Valley residents

Email: customercare@mtvh.org.uk

Website https://www.mtvh.co.uk/

Mulberry Housing Coop Ltd

Address: 88 Stamford St, London SE1 9NH

Phone: 020 7928 6829

Email: helpdesk@coinstreet.org

Website https://coinstreet.org/

Network Homes Ltd

Address: The Hive, 22 Wembley Park Blvd, Wembley HA9 0HP

Phone: 0300 373 3000

Email: customerservice@networkhomes.org.uk

Website: https://www.networkhomes.org.uk/

New World Housing Association

Address: 8 Grange Mills, Weir Road, Balham, London SW12 ONE

Phone: 020 8675 0320

Email: info@newha.co.uk

Website: https://newha.co.uk/

Notting Hill Genesis

Address: Bruce Kenrick House, 2 Killick Street, London N1 9FL

Phone: 0208 357 5000

Email: info@nhg.org.uk

Website: https://www.nhg.org.uk/

One Housing Group Ltd

Address: Atelier House, 64 Pratt Street, London, NW1 0DL

Phone: 0300 123 9966

Email: ask@onehousing.co.uk

Website https://www.onehousing.co.uk/


Address: 125 High Street, Croydon, CR0 9XP

Phone: 0800 121 6060

Email: contactus@optivo.org.uk

Website https://www.optivo.org.uk/

Origin Housing Ltd

Address: St Richards House, 110 Eversholt St, London, NW1 1BS

Phone: 0300 323 0325

Email: https://www.originhousing.org.uk/contact

Website: https://www.originhousing.org.uk/

Paragon Asra Housing Ltd

Address: 52-54 Southwark St, London SE1 1UN

Phone: 0300 123 2221

Email: https://www.cognitoforms.com/PAHousing1/EmailUs 

Website: https://www.pahousing.co.uk/

Park Hill Housing Coop

Address: 13 Allard Gardens, London SW4 9QA

Phone: 020 7622 4295

Peabody Trust

Address: South London Hillyard St, Vassal, London SW9 0NP

Phone: 0300 123 3456

Email: Customercareline@peabody.org.uk

Website: https://www.peabody.org.uk/

Pearman Street Co-op Ltd

Address: 18 Pearman Street London, SE1 7RB

Places for People Homes Ltd

Address: 80 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6EE

Website: https://placesforpeople.co.uk/

Radcliffe Housing Society Ltd

Address: Homefield Rd, Riverhead, Sevenoaks TN13 2DU

Phone: 01732 459144

Email: enquiries@radcliffehs.org

Website: https://www.radcliffehs.org.uk/

Sanctuary Housing Association

Phone: 0800 131 3348

Website: https://www.sanctuary-housing.co.uk/

Shepherds Bush Housing Association

Address: Mulliner House, Flanders Rd, Chiswick, London W4 1NN

Phone: 020 8996 4200

Email: customer.service@sbhg.co.uk

Website: https://www.sbhg.co.uk/

Southern Housing Group Ltd

Address: Spire Court, Albion Way, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1JW

Phone: 0300 303 1061

Email: service.centre@shgroup.org.uk

Website: https://www.shgroup.org.uk/

St Mungo’s Community Housing

Address: 3 Thomas More Square, Tower Hill, London E1W 1YW

Phone: 020 3856 6000

Email: info@mungos.org

Website https://www.mungos.org/

The Abbeyfield (Streatham) Society

Address 28 Conyers Rd, London SW16 6LT

Phone: 020 8677 6255

Website: https://www.abbeyfield.com/

The Guinness Partnership Ltd

Address 1, Kenwood House, Loughborough Park, London SW9 8FT

Phone: 0330 123 1890

Email: https://www.guinnesspartnership.com/contact-us/general-queries/

Website: https://www.guinnesspartnership.com/

The New Cut Housing Coop

Address: 106 The Cut, London SE1 8LN

Phone: 020 7928 1354

Website https://www.cds.coop/for-co-ops/co-op/new-cut/

The Riverside Group Ltd

Address Robert Runcie Court, 46 Acre Ln, London SW2 5SP

Phone: 020 7326 4703

Email: https://www.riverside.org.uk/contact-us/

Website https://www.riverside.org.uk/

The Salvation Army Housing Association

Address: 3rd Floor, St Olaves House, 10 Lloyds Avenue, London, EC3N 3AJ

Phone: 0800 970 6363

Email: info@saha.org.uk

Website: https://saha.org.uk/

Vine Housing Co-opeative

Address: 37 Bonnington Square, London, Lambeth, SW8 1TF

Phone: 020 7793 7564

Email: vinecoop@btinternet.com

Website http://www.vinehousingcoop.org.uk


Address: Second Floor, Minerva House, Montague Close, London, SE1 9BB

Phone: 0300 2000 120

Email customerservices@wandle.com

Website https://www.wandle.com