If you are a secure tenant and want to carry out alterations or improvements to your home, you must get written permission from us first.
If you want to change the structure or outside of your home, you will need our written permission.
The same rules apply if you want to install a:
- garage
- greenhouse
- shed
- pigeon loft
- parking space
- driveway
- wall
- security grille
- television aerial or satellite dish.
You are responsible for maintaining improvements you make to your home.
If you make an improvement without first getting our written permission, we may:
- obtain an order from the court requiring you to put the property back to its previous state
- in very serious cases, obtain an order from the court ending your tenancy
- return the property to its original state and charge you for the cost of doing this, including the cost of repairing any damage you caused (we will not be responsible for any damage our contractors cause when removing your unauthorised improvements).
Adapting homes for older or disabled tenants
If you need aids or adaptations to be installed in your home (hand rails or ramps, for example), call us on 020 7926 6000 for more information.