Wider determinants of health

A description of the factors which affect the health of the Lambeth population.

The wider determinants of health include social, economic, and environmental factors which impact the population's health. 

We will analyse data from multiple sources to help explain factors affecting the health of our population.

Lambeth JSNA materials

In 2022 Lambeth produced a health profile of the borough. Section 7 describes the wider determinants of health and the diverse range of social, economic, and environmental factors, which impact on the health of people living in the borough.

View the Health Profile for Lambeth 2022 - Section 7 (PDF 511KB)

    External JSNA materials

    OHID Wider Determinants of Health Profile

    Wider determinants, also known as social determinants, are a diverse range of social, economic and environmental factors which impact on people’s health. Such factors are influenced by the local, national and international distribution of power and resources which shape the conditions of daily life.

    View the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities - Wider Determinants of Health Profile

    OHID Public Health Outcomes Framework

    The Public Health Outcomes Framework sets out a vision for public health that is to improve and protect the nation's health and improve the health of the poorest fastest. With this in mind OHID developed a set of supporting indicators (grouped into four domains) that help focus our understanding. Indicators have been included that cover the full spectrum of public health and what can realistically be measured at the moment.

    View the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities - Public Health Outcomes Framework

    Marmot Indicators for Local Authorities - 2014 and 2015

    In February 2010, Fair Society, Healthy Lives was published presenting the recommendations of the Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England post-2010. In February 2011, the first Marmot Indicators for local authorities were released, providing information to support monitoring of the overall strategic direction in reducing health inequalities.

    View Fair Society, Healthy Lives: The Marmot Review report

    In 2014, a revised set of indicators were developed by UCL’s Institute of Health Equity, in collaboration with Public Health England. They are indicators of the social determinants of health, health outcomes and social inequality, which broadly correspond to the policy recommendations proposed in Fair Society, Healthy Lives.

    View the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities - Marmot Indicators for Lambeth

    Older publications

    In 2017, Lambeth produced a JSNA focusing on air quality which details the action Lambeth will be taking to reduce pollutant concentrations. These actions prioritise tackling the sources that contribute the most to local air quality: emissions from road traffic, emissions from water and space heating, and emissions from construction. View the Lambeth JSNA Air Quality 2017 (PDF 312KB)

    In 2014, Lambeth was awarded the status of Food Flagship. This status provided the opportunity to take part in new and exciting food related programmes. View the:

    In 2013 the GLA produced a report for Lambeth focussing on the relationships between the environment and health. View Better environment, better health: A GLA guide for London's Boroughs (PDF 1.7MB)

    In 2013 the GLA produced a report on air quality for public health professionals. View Air quality in Lambeth - A guide for public health professionals (PDF 1.8MB)