Joint Strategic Needs Assessment - JSNA

The JSNA is the ongoing process through which we seek to identify the current and future health and wellbeing and social care needs of the local population. 

It is a statutory requirement under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 for Local Authorities and their partners to prepare JSNAs. Local Authorities and partners have equal and joint responsibilities to prepare JSNAs through local Health and Wellbeing Boards.

The JSNA assess the current and future health and wellbeing needs of the local population. These needs can relate to health issues like heart disease or mental health, through to wider influences on an individual’s health and wellbeing, such as housing, employment and income. 

The JSNA draws upon the knowledge, experience, skills and resources of our partners and local communities within Lambeth, in order to understand the current and future needs of the population. This information includes local and national data as well as the opinions and views of our local community. 

The information in the JSNA helps Lambeth Council and partners (e.g. Lambeth Together) address the identified needs and understand how different population groups may be more adversely affected than others (i.e. to understand our inequalities in health).

The JSNA is a continuous and collaborative process, reflected in its governance structure. The overall responsibility for the JSNA is maintained by the Health and Wellbeing Board for Lambeth; the Staying Healthy Partnership Board maintains ongoing oversight of the JSNA work program on behalf of the Health and Wellbeing board; the JSNA Operations Group provides operational management of the JSNA work program. 

The development of the JSNA is overseen by the Lambeth JSNA Steering Group. Members include representatives from Lambeth Council Departments (including Public Health, Children's and Adults' Services, Environment and Leisure) and partners (for example, Lambeth Together).

The Lambeth JSNA Steering Group prioritises the JSNA topic areas that need to be developed.