Libraries fees and charges

It is free to join Lambeth libraries, but there are charges for some parts of the service. 

As a library member, it is free to borrow up to 20 items, use the library computers for 2 hours per day and use the library WiFi.

However, there are fees and charges for some parts of the service.

Pay your library fees and charges online

ChargeAdult ConcessionChild
Overdue books per item per day30p30pNo charge
Maximum charge per overdue item£5£1No charge
Lost library card£3.20£3.20£1
Audio books each 3 week loan£1.10FreeFree
e-audio, e-book, e-magazine, film streamingFreeFreeFree
Request items in stock75pFreeFree
Request items not in stock                                                                                                                 £3.00
British library request, 3 week loan, no renewal                                                                                                                 £18
Journal articles, notified to customer in advance                           Full cost of supply
DVDs Children’s each 3 weeks loan                                    £2.00
DVDS Adult each 3 weeks loan                                      £2.50
DVDs boxed sets each 3 week loan                                      £5
Language course not English 3 week loan                                   £1.50
English language courses                                    Free
Lost or damaged items, in print                           Full cost of item
Lost or damaged items, not in print                        Full replacement cost
Lost or damaged item, not Lambeth LibrariesFull charge levied by lending library

Concessionary rates: 65 years old and over; children/young adults under 19 years old; those on Attendance Allowance, Carer allowance, Employment Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Housing Benefit, Income Support, Jobseekers Allowance, Personal Independence Payment, Universal Credit, Working Families Tax Credits. Please ask staff to update your membership if you are entitled to the concessionary rate. Proof will be required. Audio items are free for visually impaired.

Suspended accounts: Customers owing more than £20 on their account will not be entitled to borrow any more items until a payment is made or a repayment plan is arranged with staff.

Photocopying and printing per pageBlack and whiteColour
Computer use

Members 2 hours per day free. Non-members £2.50 per hour. 

Members can have additional time if there is availability: £1 per hour/ free for concessions. Extra time cannot be booked in advance. 

Scanning to USBFree
3D printer£2 per session plus cost of plastic filament

*A maximum of 5 sheets double-sided A4 B&W printing will be provided free of charge where staff are answering an enquiry from a member of the public. The same will be provided where a child asks for copies for homework but can be A3 or A4 and 2 double-sided sheets in colour.

Community Noticeboard: small ads (6”x4”) and notices for 3 weeks£3.50
Room and equipment hire: Many libraries have rooms for hire. Please ask library staff for details and charges