Proposed controlled parking zone Streatham Hill area

Charting the history of the proposed Streatham Hill area CPZ’s

Statutory Consultation, 28 February 2018

What is the current status of the proposed CPZ?

Following our decision to proceed with proposals to introduce parking controls in the area west of Streatham Hill (A23), we are now undertaking a Statutory Consultation on its intention to introduce the proposals as detailed below.

What is the current status of the proposed CPZ?

We have agreed to proceed with a statutory consultation to:

  • introduce a new Streatham Hill ‘G’ CPZ to be operational Monday-Friday, 10.00am-12 noon
  • extend the existing Thornton R CPZ, with bays operating Monday-Friday, 10.00am-12 noon, and single yellow lines operating Monday-Friday, 8.30am-5.30pm
  • introduce double yellow line waiting restrictions at key locations in: Amesbury Avenue; Barcombe Avenue; Cricklade Avenue; Daysbrook Road; Downtown Avenue; Emsworth Street; Faygate Road; Hillside Road, Kinfauns Road; Kingsmead Road; Lanercost Road; Leigham Vale; Normanhurst Road; Northstead Road; Nuthurst Avenue; Palace Road; Probyn Road; Roupell Road; Wavertree Road and Wyatt Park Road.

A decision has been taken to not proceed with the next stage of consultation, to introduce parking controls in the area east of Streatham Hill (A23).

You can take a look at the Statutory Consultation information below.

How can I give my views?

This Statutory Consultation closed on 23 March 2018.

What happens next?

A notice of our intentions to introduce these measures will be published in a local newspaper (Lambeth Weekender), London Gazette and posted on lamp columns in the area.

All representations, along with officers’ comments and recommendations, will be presented in a final report to be considered by us.