Biodiversity in Lambeth

Find out about Lambeth’s wide variety of wildlife (biodiversity) and what we can all do to preserve it. 

Biodiversity and climate changes are becoming increasingly important in our lives.

Lambeth is rich in diverse wildlife and habitats, and we're committed to protecting and maintaining the natural environment on our doorstep for generations to come. Here are some of the various ways you can help and get involved.

Lambeth Biodiversity Action Plan (Lambeth BAP)

The Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) is a document which provides an in-depth analysis on biodiversity within Lambeth and looks at: 

  • the benefits of biodiversity to our economy, culture and personal wellbeing
  • our plans for the future
  • local habitats and areas of interest
  • conservation areas
  • tree preservation orders

It also includes resources, policy guidance and the various ways we can all encourage biodiversity.

Read the Lambeth Biodiversity Action Plan 2020 update (PDF 1.8MB) to find how we are delivering the plan in partnership with our residents and stakeholders.

Lambeth Pollinator Action Plan

Lambeth has just released its new 'Lambeth Pollinator Action Plan'.

This sets out how the borough will work with residents and other stakeholders to secure a sustainable future for the insects and other invertebrates that play a vital role in pollinating wild and domestic plants in ours homes, gardens, parks and other open spaces.

You can download a copy of the new action plan below, or for more information contact Lambeth Parks on

Lambeth's Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation

Local authorities in London are able to designate sites, both private and public, as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs). This is in recognition of their importance for biodiversity interest and to enable the public to have access to and enjoyment of nature on their doorstep.

Lambeth currently has 49 SINCs, ranging from those of local importance, of borough importance, through to sites which are of importance for all Londoners - Metropolitan SINCs.

As list of the current Lambeth SINCs can be found below.

The Environment Act 2021 - Section 102 reporting

Section 102 of the Environment Act 2021 strengthens the duties that a local authority like Lambeth Council has to conserve biodiversity, especially in how it acts and exercises its functions.

Section 103 of the Act requires Lambeth Council to produce regular reports on what actions it is taking, or has taken, to deliver on its biodiversity duties. We have produced an action plan to show what we are doing, and how you will and cane be involved in helping us conserve, promote and improve Lambeth's wildlife. You can download this action plan below.

Other biodiversity organisations and projects

Greenspace Information for Greater London (GIGL)

Greenspace Information for Greater London (GIGL) is London's environmental records centre, which mobilises, curates and shares data on the capital’s natural environment. You can also submit sightings of important wildlife species in the borough and obtain free quality information on Lambeth's wildlife.

Wildlife sightings can be submitted using a spreadsheet template which can be downloaded using this GiGL website link; one-off sightings can be submitted using a simple online form also found on the GiGL website. Please note that you must have permission to share any records that are not your own.

London Wildlife Trust (LWT)

London Wildlife Trust is London's leading nature conservation agency, with dedicated supporters and volunteers working tirelessly to protect wildlife in Lambeth. The following section is one important project which the Trust are leading on, which directly involves and benefits Lambeth and its wildlife. 

The Great North Wood

The Great North Wood was a vast wooded landscape that once spanned from Deptford in the north to Selhurst in the south. For centuries it was a crucial source of timber, charcoal and oak bark for leather tanning, but as these woodland products declined in value and as London sprawled southward much of the wood was lost.

Today the Great North Wood lives on as a scattering of ancient woodland fragments, with Sydenham Hill Wood and Dulwich Wood forming the largest. Ancient woodland interspersed with recent woodland and other greenspaces and the wider landscape continues to be a vital resource for wildlife and people alike. Between 2019 and 2023 London Wildlife Trust worked with Lambeth Council at Streatham Common, Norwood Park and Unigate Wood on on delivering a series of projects and activities to promote the Great North Wood project, including using funding secured from the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) and the UK Government's Green Recovery Challenge Fund.

For more information about the Great North Wood project or to get involved please visit London Wildlife Trust's website

Contact us

For more information on the Lambeth BAP, Lambeth’s amazing wildlife and how you can help protect and improve our borough’s biodiversity, contact Lambeth Landscapes.