Call us
Call us if you think a structure might be dangerous.
Monday-Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm
Call 020 7926 1150
All other times
Call 020 7926 1000
Please do not use email to report dangerous structures in case urgent action needs to be taken.
Next Steps
Under the London Building Acts (Amendment) Act 1939: Part VII, Lambeth Building Control Service are required to ensure the structures of the borough are safe and do not pose a threat to residents or their property.
In cases where there is an immediate danger and remedial works are required to make the building safe, the council will instruct contractors to undertake the works it considers to be necessary to remove the immediate danger and may also erect scaffolding to secure the building. Scaffolding will remain on site so long as it is needed, which is normally until the owner has fully completed all works to make the structure safe.
We make every effort to contact the owner promptly if there is an immediate danger, but if that person is not available, the council will do the works and notify the owner as soon as possible.
It is the owner's responsibility to contact the council as soon as they become aware that works have been carried out. Any costs (including associated scaffolding), that the council undertakes in order to shore up a building and make it safe on a temporary basis, will be passed on to the owner or occupier of the building together with an administration charge in accordance with the London Borough of Lambeth (Dangerous and Neglected Structures (Fees and Expenses)) Regulations (PDF, 252KB).
If the structure is unsafe, but there is no immediate danger, then the owner will be asked to make it safe within an agreed time scale.
If the building is not made safe within a reasonable time, the council may serve a Dangerous Structure Notice in accordance with Section 62 of the London Building Acts (Amendment) Act 1939 on the owner or the occupier, requiring them to take down, repair or otherwise secure the building forthwith.
The owner or occupier will be required to reimburse the costs of all of the council's expenses incurred in relation to the dangerous building, in accordance with the London Borough of Lambeth (Dangerous and Neglected Structures (Fees and Expenses)) Regulations (PDF, 252KB).