Carry out work to a statutory listed building (listed building consent)

Listed building consent is required for many kinds of work. Even cleaning or painting the outside of a listed building may need consent. There are some types of works that may not need planning permission but still require listed building consent.

Download an application form

Submit an application online

There is no cost for listed building consent applications.

In addition to the completed form, we need sufficient information to help us make an assessment of the works that you propose:

  • Accurate drawings showing the existing building (metric survey plans, sections, elevations etc. at 1:50 scale). Drawings must be carefully annotated to show existing architectural details that are to be maintained - these should be marked 'no change'.
  • Accurate drawings showing the proposals (metric survey plans, sections, elevations etc. at 1:50 scale). Drawings of the proposals must clearly show alterations, including all new walls, doors, windows and plasterwork.
  • Detailed drawings (scale 1:10, 1:5 or full size as appropriate) of proposed features such as windows, doors, ironwork, plasterwork or joinery.
  • Any proposed demolition, including the removal of joinery and plaster, must be marked clearly.
  • Applications for extensive restoration, substantial alterations or refurbishment should include a detailed schedule of works and a specification of the methods and materials to be used.
  • A statement (in the case of demolition of a listed building) in accordance with the PPS5 Practice Guide.
  • An 'Access Plan' (only where appropriate).
  • Photographs should always be provided for listed building consent applications and include all exteriors/interiors affected by the proposed works and close-ups of any particular features such as doors, fireplaces and windows which are to be altered or removed. They should be annotated and accompanied by a plan clearly showing the position and direction from where each photo was taken (four copies).
  • A statement (in the case of demolition of a listed building) in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework.
  • A Heritage Statement is required for all planning proposals affecting heritage assets. The extent and amount of detailed information contained with the heritage statement will depend on the likely heritage impact of the proposal. For background on the requirement for Heritage Statements, please see paragraph 128 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The statement should contain:

a) a description of the character and significance of any heritage assets likely to be affected by the proposal 

b) a description of the application proposal and an explanation of how it has been designed to respond to its heritage context

c) an assessment of the likely impact of the proposal on the character and significance of the affected heritage assets.

Work carried out by the council and bodies such as health trusts and statutory undertakers (Thames Water, for example), also requires listed building consent. In addition, there is legislation covering the building regulations, fire regulations and normal planning controls. How a proposal meets the requirements of other legislation must be made clear in a listed building consent application. Both the building and fire regulations recognise the special status of listed buildings and have the flexibility to avoid the need to remove the features that contribute to the special interest of a historic building. The council could refuse listed building consent where it feels alterations required by other legislation might harm the special interest of the building.

You may need to apply for planning permission for some works as all the normal planning controls apply to listed buildings. In addition, planning permission is required for the erection, construction, maintenance, improvement or alteration of a gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure within the curtilage of a listed building.