If your application is missing any of the information that we need, the processing of your application will be delayed until it is received. To help you avoid the delays associated with an ‘invalid’ application, we have listed below the 10 most common reasons why applications are classified as invalid.
Application submitted without a CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) Additional Information form. The CIL Additional Information form must be submitted with all applications, including applications for a Lawful Development Certificate. The Planning Portal also provides accompanying guidance notes (PDF, 129KB).
Application forms not signed and/or dated appropriately. Application forms include a declaration near the end that must be signed and dated.
The certificate of ownership within the application form is not signed and/or dated, or the incorrect certificate has been completed. All full and outline planning applications need an accompanying certificate of ownership. The application form guidance notes provide advice on the correct certificate to complete. Further advice can be found in the National Planning Practice Guidance.
Incorrect fee or no fee at all provided. The Planning Portal provides a useful fee calculator and written guidance on planning application fees (PDF, 109KB) and exemptions.
Drawings not labelled clearly, correctly, or at all. All drawings must be given a descriptive label (for example, ‘existing first floor plan’ or ‘proposed front elevation’.
Inaccurate or incomplete plans and information. We give guidance on the drawings and other supporting information that we require with your application in our local planning application requirements (PDF, 2.3MB).
Plan, elevation and/or section drawings which do not match each other. For example, doors or windows are not shown on both plan and elevation drawings, or are shown in inconsistent locations.
Drawings not drawn to a recognised scale. All drawings must be to a scale recognised in our local planning application requirements (PDF, 2.3MB) and must clearly state the scale.
No red line drawn around the application site on the site location plan. More details of this requirement can be found in the National Planning Practice Guidance.
No Design and Access Statement submitted when one is required. A Design and Access Statement must be submitted for major applications, listed building consent applications, applications in world heritage sites and conservation areas where the application is for one or more dwellings, or where the floor space created by the building or buildings is 100 square metres or more.
Before you submit your application, we recommend that you review the national information requirements in the National Planning Practice Guidance and our local planning application requirements (PDF, 2.3MB).