Public inquiry for 60-72 Upper Ground

Find information about the public inquiry into the planning application at the Former London Television Centre, 60 – 72 Upper Ground, London, SE1 9LT

This page contains information about an upcoming public inquiry into the application at 60-72 Upper Ground for the following:

Demolition of all existing buildings and structures for a mixed-use redevelopment comprising offices, cultural spaces and retail uses with associated public realm and landscaping, servicing areas, parking and mechanical plant.

This application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement (ES) which is available for inspection online with the planning application documents.

The public inquiry into 60-72 Upper Ground was opened on 6 December 2022 and closed on 25 January 2023. The FAQs in the proceeding pages provide further detail on the inquiry process.

Planning application reference: 21/02668/EIAFUL

Planning inspectorate reference: APP/N5660/V/22/3306162

Public inquiry – Core documents google drive folders (This will be kept updated as the public inquiry progresses)

View documents relating to the planning application on the council website (enter 21/02668/EIAFUL in the search field).

Submissions to the Planning Inspectorate in relation to the inquiry have closed.

Update on 9th May 2023: The Inspector’s report has been sent to the Secretary of State for consideration. The decision on the public inquiry is expected to be issued by the Secretary of State on or before 8th August 2023.