Postal and proxy voting
Voters can now apply for a postal or proxy vote online. Applicants must provide their National Insurance number on any postal or proxy vote application.
A postal vote can be held for a maximum of 3 years before expiring. Existing postal voters who wish to continue voting by post must submit a new application to renew their postal voting arrangement.
There is now a limit on the number of postal votes an individual can hand in at a polling station. An individual can hand in a maximum of 5 postal voting packs in addition to their own.
Political parties and campaigners are no longer permitted to handle completed postal votes.
Proxy voters (a trusted person who is appointed to vote on someone’s behalf) can only act as a proxy for a maximum of four electors, of which no more than two can be based in the U.K.
Find more information on voting by post
Find more information on voting by proxy