Council services
Find out what is happening in the borough.
Stay updated with the latest news from the council and community
Stop smoking this #Stoptober
Free stop smoking support is available in Lambeth to help you quit today. If you stop smoking in Stoptober, you are five times more likely to quit for good.
Lambeth Launches new support for young people
We've launched the Barbershop Experience, a 12-week programme aimed at combatting serious youth violence in the borough.
Focusing on supporting autistic residents
We're inviting schools, local organisations, charities and other eligible groups with projects to support autistic individuals to apply for grant funding of up to £15,000.
Have your say
Have your say on School Streets Expansion (Phase 5)
We want your views on the next seven School Streets in Lambeth.
Have your say on Lambeth’s Council Tax Support Scheme
We want your views on our proposals to change Lambeth’s Council Tax Support Scheme for working age residents.
Have your say on School Streets Expansion (Phase 4)
We want your views on the next five School Streets in Lambeth.