Apply to vary a premises licence (full variation)
The premises licence holder may apply to vary some aspects of their licence.
Typically, variation applications are made for one or more of the following reasons:
- Adding additional licensable activities to the scope of the licence.
- Changing permitted times for existing activities or opening hours.
- Adding new conditions, or amending or removing conditions on the current licence.
- Changing the authorised layout of the premises before structural alterations.
Variations may not be used to extend a time-limited licence, or to make a major change in the nature of a licensed premises. In these situations, you should make a new grant application.
If you want to transfer you premises licences to another person see our transfer of premises licences guide.
Who can use this service?
The premises licence holder.
What you need to know...
All applications must be advertised so that local residents and businesses can review your proposals and make comments (representations).
You must advertise your premises licence notice in two ways:
- Display a statutory notice at your premises for 28 consecutive days starting on the day after you submitted your application. This notice must be printed on blue paper, and be displayed so that it can be easily read from outside the premises at all times.
- Publish a public notice in a locally available newspaper within 10 working days of submitting your application.
If you do not advertise your application in line with the legal requirements, your application will be invalid and you may have to start the application process again.
Costs for this service
Premises licence variation application fees depend on the non-domestic rateable value of the premises.
This value, which is also used to calculate business rates, can be found through the Valuation Office Agency search engine. Premises that do not have a rateable value (such as schools, church halls, open spaces or residential properties) automatically fall into the lowest fee band.
Do it online
Apply to vary a Premises Licence (full variation)
Payment options
If you complete your application online, you will be directed to the online payment portal.
If you complete a paper application, you have these payment options:
- Pay online with your debit or credit card via the online payment portal. Choose 'premises licensing' on the left. You will need to attach a payment receipt to your application and submit your documents to Lambeth Licensing. We will not accept applications without this proof of payment.
- Pay in person at the kiosks at Lambeth Civic Centre. Kiosk payments can be made by cash, cheque, credit card or debit card.