JSNA resources

A collection of JSNA resources to help with the development of Lambeth specific profiles and JSNA materials.

Obesity, diet and exercise

  • Adult excess weight supporting data: supporting indicators for the excess weight in adults (aged 18 and over) data in the PHOF. Breakdowns of local authority prevalence data by BMI category are presented in an Excel spreadsheet: underweight, healthy weight, overweight, obese, severe obesity and excess weight.
  • Patterns and trends in adult obesity: direct link to a slide pack which present key data and information on the patterns and trends in adult obesity in clear, easy to understand charts and graphics. 
  • OHID data and analysis tools: gateway page to OHID data and analysis tools which includes topic based links for obesity, diet and physical activity.
  • OHID Obesity Intelligence Public Library: Knowledge Hub (Khub) site to share wide-ranging, authoritative information on data, evaluation and evidence related to weight status and its determinants. Members include practitioners, policy makers and academics with an interest in adult and child obesity. 
  • Physical Activity Profile (Fingertips): brings together data for the whole of England on physical activity, including walking and cycling, as well as data on related risk factors and conditions such as obesity and diabetes. The tool presents data at local level to help promote physical activity, develop understanding, and support benchmarking, commissioning and service improvement.