Sexual health services, plans and strategies
Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham (LSL) together face some of the greatest sexual health challenges in England.
We have similarly young, mobile and diverse populations, and our local sexual health services are modern and popular.
Our rates of HIV and STIs are the highest in England, and there are persistent inequalities in sexual and reproductive health, with young people, men who have sex with men (MSM), and black and minority ethnic (BME) communities suffering the greatest burden.
Sexual health inequalities cannot be addressed in isolation, it must be done in partnership.
Due to the similarities in the challenges that we face, LSL collaborate on sexual health commissioning and strategy in order to maximise our efforts to meet the significant and ongoing needs of our populations.
This strategy assesses the most up-to-date intelligence and sets out LSL’s shared ambitions and priority areas in sexual and reproductive health over the next five years.
Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy 2019–24 - 2.06MB
Sexual and reproductive health intelligence briefing -880.19KB
Evidence review - 288.66KB
Executive summary of the strategy - 81.93KB