Delivering new homes, workspace, market infrastructure and public realm improvements that benefit the Borough’s residents and businesses.
49 Brixton Station Road and 6 Canterbury Crescent are two council-owned sites in the heart of Brixton. Both are being used on a meanwhile basis while the council develops its plans for their long-term future. Following a competitive process, the Council has selected London Square as its development partner who will work with the Council and the local community to come up with detailed proposals for the sites in line with the council’s Local Plan objectives of delivering new homes, workspace, market infrastructure and public realm improvements that will benefit the Borough’s residents and businesses.
What's happening on the sites at the moment?
49 Brixton Station Road currently hosts Pop Brixton, which provides a range of food and drink, retail and workspace units alongside market trader car parking, storage, market waste facilities and a public pay and display car park.
6 Canterbury Crescent is International House, a former council office building that provides a range of workspaces for entrepreneurs, businesses, charities, and social enterprises.
The council has renewed the leases for International House with 3space until Spring 2027 and Pop Brixton with Pop Community Limited until Winter 2026 to align with anticipated planning and delivery timescales for the future development. This also takes account of the need for additional design work and further community engagement and public consultation activities in relation to the sites following a period of Appreciative Inquiry and sortition led co-design workshops in summer 2023.
Our objectives for the project
Around 240 new homes
Including 50% affordable with 70%/30% split council rent/intermediate
Community engagement and co-design
Prioritising equalities, diversity and inclusion
A permanent home For Brixton’s businesses
Including an affordable workspace hub
Street market facilities
Provision of storage space, car park and waste compound
London Living Wage Jobs Guarantee
Safer and healthier streets
Improvements to Pope’s Road and Brixton St Road
Good quality jobs and apprenticeships for local people
Sustainable net-zero development
Project Timeline
The timeline below provides an overview of key milestones to date with future milestones currently under review due to wider market, economic and regulatory changes. Updates on timescales will be provided in due course.
Activity | Timing |
Cabinet decision – Procurement launch | February 2021 |
Procurement Launch | March 2021 |
Meet the Bidder/Community events | October 2021 |
Final bids | November 2021 |
Cabinet decision – Preferred partner | March 2022 |
Design and planning | May 2022 onwards |
Appreciative Inquiry | March – June 2023 |
Sortition-led Co-Design workshops | April – June 2023 |
For more information or to find out how you can be involved please contact the project team:
49 Brixton Station Road & 6 Canterbury Crescent
United Kingdom