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114 to 118 Lower Marsh redevelopment
- Vauxhall and Waterloo
114-118 Lower Marsh and Granby Place, will be transformed into office and retail space for small to medium size businesses.Status: In delivery49 Brixton Station Road and 6 Canterbury Crescent
- Brixton
Delivering new homes, workspace, market infrastructure and public realm improvements that benefit Brixton’s residents and businesses.
49 Brixton Station Road and 6 Canterbury Crescent are two council-o
Status: In developmentA2217 Acre Lane Collision Reduction Measures
- Lambeth wide
To reduce collisions and improve road safety on A2217 Acre Lane between Bedford Road and Trinity Gardens we're making some highways improvements as part of the Council's collision reduction programme.Status: In developmentA3036 Wandsworth Road – Collision Reduction Programme
- Clapham
We're proposing to improve road safety for vulnerable road users and install an additional Electric Vehicle (EV) parking bay on Killyon Road between the junctions of Queenstown Road, Union Road and by Wandsworth Road Overground station.Status: In developmentAngell Town Community Space Strategy
- Brixton
This project brings together the council, local residents and voluntary and community sector organisations, Angell Town Estate Residents Management Organisation (RMO), registered social landlords, St John’s Church and St John’s Primary School to e
Status: In developmentBrixton Business District Road Safety & Parking Improvements
- Brixton
We are proposing to improve road safety for all road users and provide some additional parking to support the local community in the Brixton Business District.Status: In deliveryBrixton Liveable Neighbourhoods
- Brixton
Following a successful bid for TfL’s ‘Liveable Neighbourhoods’ funding we're proposing ideas to improve Brixton town centre and the surrounding area to encourage walking and cycling.Status: In developmentBrixton Townscape Heritage Initiative
- Brixton
As the Brixton Townscape Heritage Initiative funding comes to an end, the final buildings to be transformed will be 19-21 Electric Avenue, with works due to start on site by the end of August 2021.
Status: In deliveryBrixton Windmill
- Brixton
An Education and Visitor Centre will be built next to the famous Grade II* listed Brixton Windmill.Status: In deliveryCemeteries Investment Programme
- Norwood
- Streatham
Our Investment Programme into three cemeteries in the borough responds to the need to maintain historic fabric and provide high quality burial areas for Lambeth residents and the bereaved.Status: In delivery